Friday, June 15, 2012

rania & matt say "i do" in october!

Rania & Matt made the trip to Eau Claire for their engagement session and we met up at a local park.  I went to high school with Rania and it was so great to see her and catch up!  And I so enjoyed meeting Matt for the first time - together, these two are the cutest couple and I am so happy for them!  Despite the cloudy evening, the rain held off for us and we had an amazing time laughing and chatting away.  Not only did I learn that these two are football fans (Packer fans, of course!), you might also see them swinging their clubs on the golf course!  Rania & Matt - thank you so much and I am so looking forward to your beautiful Fall wedding in October!  Here are a few of my favorites from our time together...

      All images copyright of Rachel Galetka Photography


  1. Thank you so very much Rachel, again I must say the pictures are beautiful, We love them. You are so amazing.
    Thanks again
    Rania & Matt

  2. Love them! Rania you are beautiful like always!
