Monday, June 18, 2012

keira turns 3 months | children's portrait photographer

It's so amazing to photograph kids & families through their different milestones in life.  I had the pleasure of photographing the Stanger Family when they were expecting little Keira (see their maternity session here), and when Keira was first born (see her newborn session here).  Now, we were able to meet for Keira's 3 month session - and my goodness is this little girl adorable.  Thank you so much Stanger Family!  As always, I had so much fun hanging out with you guys, and I look forward to Keira's 6 month session.  Here are some of my favorites from our time together...

What a beautiful little girl! 

Love Keira's expressions on these next two! 

I just love this next picture!  What a doll! 

Daddy making Keira giggle :) 

All the fun and fresh air we had put Keira right to sleep... 

Thank you again, Stanger Family! 

{All images copyright of Rachel Galetka Photography}

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