Monday, October 17, 2011

rhonda & family {portrait session}

When Rhonda contacted me to take pictures of her nieces & nephews (ages 9 months to 15 years old), I was so excited!  I met Rhonda and her 2 sisters, and their families at a local park on a beautiful Fall morning - and all I can say is what a super FUN bunch!  Thank you guys for letting me photograph you! And Rhonda & Eva (they are former classmates of mine) - it was so great to see you again after all these years!

Also, a big thank you goes out to my sister, Melissa, for assisting me on this shoot!  You are the best!

Now, on to a preview of my favorites :)

this next 'out-take' was too cute not to include :)

the blankets in these next pics were made by aunt rhonda - each niece & nephew got one and each one was unique! i loved them and i was so glad they wanted to include them in the pics!

below, i love the little guy's smile on the left :)

just love these girls' style!

thank you again, rhonda & family!


  1. WOW nice shoot! Great job once again!
    The bolleruds

  2. Great job on these pictures -
    The kids are sssooo sweet.
    Love Auntie Kathi
