Thursday, October 20, 2011

gideon | 5 years old

This handsome little guy is 5 years old :)  And there is no doubt about it - he loves hunting & fishing and especially playing on Grandma & Grandpa's farm - so that is just what we did!  We enjoyed a beautiful (but very windy!) Fall afternoon together on the farm and did everything from picking (and eating!) apples, to climbing trees, to venturing in the woods and playing in the leaves.  Thank you G Family!  Here's a glimpse of our time together...



And of course, we had to get Dad in some pictures :)

And Grandma & Grandpa, too :)





  1. I am 5 years old my name is Gideon. Thank you Rachel for taking my picture. I like them!

  2. Nice pictures!
    The bolleruds
