Tuesday, October 25, 2011

the mork family {portraits}

Meet the Mork's :)  If you looked up 'awesome family' in the dictionary, you would find this family!  From camping to sports, they do it all!  Mork Family - as always, it was wonderful to see you and spend a beautiful Fall morning with you guys!  And, with Grandma Mary joining us, it could not have been a more perfect day for all of us to play in the leaves!  Here's a glimpse of our time together.... ♥ Rachel

Seriously, these two can't get any cuter :)

Here comes Mom & Dad with the leaves! :)

These next ones are way too fun!  Grandma Mary and the boys had a BLAST playing in the leaves! :)

Of course, after the playing we were able to get this next one, and I love it...
Thank you, Kim, John, Mary & boys for a great time! You are all so special to me! ♥


  1. love grandma! and all of you! but where or where are the dogs?

  2. Absolutely beautiful!! You captured some excellent shots!
