Tuesday, January 10, 2012

the bollerud's | holiday family session

I had the pleasure of photographing my sister (Angie) and her family over the holidays while they were home for a visit.  It was a blizzard-like day for our photo session - blowing snow with 50+ wpm winds - so we only snuck outside for a few quick shots, but we had FUN nonetheless!  Here is a small sneak peek at the adorable Bollerud Family :)

{p.s. Check out Angie's knit headband - isn't it the cutest?!  You can find them at Etsy.com}

An outtake (below) to show you the blowing snow :)

Grandma was able to take the little guy indoors, and we ended with a few more shots of the lovebirds :)

♥  Thank you Angie, Chris & Charlie!  Love you guys!  ♥  

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