Sunday, August 21, 2011

Lauren & Mark | Get Married! {Part 1}

I was SO excited to photograph Lauren & Mark's wedding day.  They had such a lovely day and I was truly honored to be a part of it.  And Lauren, a very special thank you to you for trusting me (and my vision) to capture this incredible time in your life...   

And, a big HUGE thank you to my assistant for the day - my beautiful sister, Melissa.  Thank you SO MUCH for all of your help!!! 

And now on to Part 1 of this amazing day...

The day started out early with Lauren and her sister, Shelby, getting ready.  Lauren had Shelby as her Maid of Honor... I just loved this caricature of the two of them hanging up in the hallway :)

For 'something old', Lauren wore her grandmother's ring...

I could not get enough of the 'details' of the day, from the dress, to the shoes...

Lauren's turn to get ready :)

Lauren's mom painting her toenails...

Shelby looked AMAZING!

And check this out - Lauren's Mom & Dad had hummingbirds (tons of them!) - so they thought we could try and get a few shots :)

And Lauren - she looked absolutely STUNNING!


Just after the bridal shots, the storm clouds started moving in and it rained for a bit... But it didn't last long, and it ended just in time for Lauren & Mark to say their vows!  Stay tuned for pics from the beautiful ceremony and the super fun reception...


  1. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing! Looking forward to Part 2 !

  2. Amazing shots! Every one - so detailed. Looking forward as well to more!!! Great job sister! :)

  3. My favorite's of this bunch are the close-ups of the brides face...her eye's are amazing and you really captured her beauty with clarity and emotion. Love the storm cloud pic's, too. It is everyone's worst nightmare to have it rain on your wedding, but the sky sure was neat that day! Made for some unique pic's!

  4. These pictures are amazing!! :)
