Saturday, November 5, 2011

jill + mack {engaged}

I had an AWESOME time shooting Jill & Mack’s engagement a couple of weeks ago. First off, we met up in the early morning hours. Lately I have been shooting in the evening light, but I am so glad we decided to meet when we did - I forgot just how beautiful morning light can be. It was amazing. The wind on the other hand - it was crazy (like 40 mph crazy) - and it was cold! Luckily though we did a lot of shooting in an old barn (which helped block the wind somewhat). For those of you who know me - I love old things, and I especially LOVE old barns. Thanks Jill & Mack for being so amazing to work with and I hope you enjoy your preview! I am so excited for your wedding!



a little dancing... :)

 jill - you are so beautiful...

we found this bird's nest, and I couldn't resist....


i seriously could not get enough of this barn... or the light...


the light was so magical... i think i squealed as i shot these next ones... jill & mack asked if that was good or bad... definitely GOOD :)

this next one is too fun... jill made these signs :)

Thanks again, Jill & Mack!

Up Next:  an evening engagement session with Melanie & Adam...

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