Saturday, June 11, 2011

angie {in the country}

I had an amazing weekend visiting my sister Angie, and her family (her husband Chris, and their son, Charlie).  Not only did we celebrate Charlie's baptism, but also Charlie turning ONE!  This was my first time visiting the Bollerud 'home' in the country, and it was AWESOME!  Chris's grandma and grandpa had lived there previously and operated a pig farm, so there was lots of history behind it.  The neat buildings, structures, etc, were endless!  On the property, was also an old-time Ford truck - and of course, Ang and I took a few minutes to take some pics :)  Thanks Ang for a FUN time - Love you, Chris, & Charlie very much! 

And check this out - Chris's grandparents (Charles and Eva) had hand-carved this sign when they had lived on the property years ago - it still hangs up on the front porch of the house, and it's pretty cool!  And yes, baby Charlie was named after his great-grandpa, Charles :) 

1 comment:

  1. COOL COOL COOL! Great job rach! Love all of them!!!!!! Thank you for taking them! :) Angie
